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Family of Choice: Raising Each Other

Micky McHale comes to in a stranger’s bed, having missed the cruise ship and her company’s awards dinner. Her irate boss threatens to fire her. She calls her sponsor from a prior stint in A.A.

Lillian Meadows assigns Brad Mueller to co-sponsor Micky. Fresh off moving from his abusive lover’s home, quitting smoking and house-hunting, he’s reluctant to work with “that train-wreck.”

Lillian struggles with writer’s block and a hot deadline for early chapters of her book about her widowhood. Her sponsee and priest, the Reverend Sally Wise, offers to read drafts and help her move on.

Sally’s estranged daughter shows up and overdoses on heroin. Revived with Narcan, she refuses treatment. Later, she intentionally ODs in a car she parks at her mother’s church. Her note forbids any service, as she didn’t believe in God. This shakes Sally’s faith in her value as a priest.