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News and Events





Many of Corky's friends and fellow parishioners joined her to formally launch her first novel with a reading and book signing. The event was held at the Church of the Ascension, an Episcopal church in Lakewood, Ohio, which served as her inspiration for the book's fictional Grace Church.


Click here to view the video of the reading and Q&A.



Readers are already clamoring for the next volume in the series!

To keep abreast of progress on that, please visit the Newsetter page and sign up to receive Corky's newsletters.






Club 24 Fundraising Book Sale at Summer BBQ

Corky will donate 50% of the retail price of books sold at the event to this Cleveland, Ohio area recovery clubhouse

Sunday, August 18, Noon to 4:00 p.m. (EDT)

Acacia Reservation, North side of Cedar Road between Richmond Road and I-271 in Lyndhurst, Ohio



North Coast Indie Author Book Expo

Sunday, September 15, 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. (EDT)

33040 Just Imagine Drive, Avon, Ohio



Lakewood Public Library Meet the Author Event

Reading; Presentation: "A Life of Writing"; Book Sales and Signing

Wednesday, December 18, 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 (EST)

5425 Detroit Avenue, Lakewood, Ohio